sábado, 15 de março de 2008

AGENDA: Comportamento e individualidade

Behaviour and Individuality in Primates and other Mammals

Auditorium Agostinho da Silva, Lusófona University, Lisbon, 17-18 March, 2008

The conference Behaviour and Individuality in Primates and other Mammals is held as part of the celebrations of the 6th anniversary of BioCEL - the association of Biology students at Lusófona University. The conference, organized by BioCEL and by faculty of the Biology group is intended both for students and professionals.
The conference aims to launch a creative debate and brainstorm for future research on a rather new topic of research: the study of inter-individual variation in animal behaviour. As we get to know more about each animal species the evidence of individuality also grows.
We are honoured to have as guest speakers, experts engaged in researching primate personality and behaviour individuality, who will share with us their latest findings and methods and address future directions for this fascinating subject. We cordially invite you to submit abstracts for poster presentations and video documentaries of your research as well in related topics.
This conference will also feature video and poster sessions and a photo exhibit and contest. There will also be a prize for the best video (mini-documentary) and for the best student- poster.

AGENDA: Ciência das Religiões


A área de Ciência das Religiões tem o prazer de convidar V. Exa. a
estar presente no 1º Dia Aberto de Ciência das Religiões, que terá
lugar no próximo dia 17 de Março, pelas 18.30h no auditório Victor de

Programa do Dia Aberto de Ciência das Religiões

- Abertura oficial do Mestrado em Ciência das Religiões

- Apresentação do volume 12 da Revista Lusófona de Ciência das
Religiões, por António Araújo

- Apresentação do projecto PRISME - Société, Droit et Religion en
Europe e da base de dados EUREL, em parceria com o CNRS e a Un. Robert

- Apresentação dos primeiros resultados do Inquérito à Cultura
Religiosa em Portugal